TEL : 021 397 5214
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Featured primary School: Ridgeville Primary
Ridgeville Primary has a thirty-seven year old relationship with the Westridge Community. It has accomplished many successes in the academic field, on the sportsfield as well as in the field of Information Technology and Engineering.
Their motto and ethos is always to “Strive towards the Best” and this they have done academically as well as in sport and culture. While undergoing a paradigm shift in education from the old to the new, the school has maintained its traditions as many of the parents were past learners at Ridgeville.
As they recognized the growing importance of computer-aided
education if their learners were to engage in a global society,
they acquired their first computer laboratory through shear
determination, perseverance and the help of Golden Arrow
Foundation in 2000. The PCs in this laboratory rapidly became
obsolete and problematic and there was no sustainability play
for the laboratory. Khanya then became involved at Ridgeville
Primary, supplying an additional 25 computers, software and a
The learners and educators are very positive about their new
facilities. They find their visits to the laboratories enriching and
they eagerly anticipate each visit. Educators are being trained
in the software and in general computer literacy and they
attend training sessions enthusiastically. They feel empowered
by the Khanya experience and fully intend utilizing the tools at
their disposal. Through Khanya, new life has been breathed into
the learning process for both learners and educators.
Ridgeville Primary is true to the spirit of community and hope to open the doors of their laboratories to their community for computer literacy classes and for ABET.
Ponie Crt,
Park Ave,
021 392 7020

Mitchell's Plain Campus
Mitchell’s Plain campus offers different programmes during the course of the year to suit the community’s skill needs. Contact the campus to find out what is currently offered.
Mitchells Plain Campus offers a wide range of full-time and part-time study options.
Campus Courses
Full Time
BusinessNational N Diploma: Business ManagementNational N Diploma: Finance Management
Education StudiesNational N Diploma: Educare
Part Time
Business National N Diploma: Business Management
Education StudiesNational N Diploma: EducareEarly Childhood Development NQF Level 1,4 & 5
For more information contact:
Mitchell's Plain Campus
Tel : 021 391 0717
Fax: 021 391 0723
Physical address:
Spine Road High School
Cnr Spine and Merrydale Roads
Mitchell's Plain
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 376
Mitchell's Plain