TEL : 021 397 5214
CELL : 078 222 2222
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Do you an event that you'd like to promote.
A community notice you think Mitchells Plain needs to know about.
For school news of upcoming events and featuresIf you're sports club.
If you're sports club and want your week results or forthcoming event given exposure.

Do you need to expose you business to the world
Tired of expensive Adverting companies wanting your money
Not tech savy and need get more business
Running a promotion and need to let everyone know about it
Mitchells Plain Alive does all this and more.

Ever thought of taking your business to the next level via the internet
Never had the experiance or time to explore the wonders Facebook can do for your business
Reach thousands of people in and around Mitchells Plain with for the reach of YOUR Facebook network
Let MPA design and maintain your facebook presence.

Our mission is to help support locally run companies throughout Mitchells Plain. We recognize that small businesses are the lifeblood of the Mitchells Plain economy. Keeping money in our neighborhoods by shopping locally will help ensure a thriving small business community.
We gladly accept directory listings for legitimate small businesses owned and operated within New York State.
Small business owners, please submit your request for a free listing here. All Mitchells Plain directory submissions are human reviewed for accuracy. Please wait 7 days for approved free listings to appear in our directory. Review and publishing of featured listings will expedited, generally taking 24 hours or less.
Do you know a small business that would benefit from a listing on our Website? Suggest a site, and we'll do our best to add an accurate free company listing.
Thank you for your support.
Choose Your Listing Type:
Now you can select a listing solution that meets your businesses' needs. The Mitchells Plain Business allows you to target customers by business category & location.
Benefit from exposure to a qualified audience
Control how your listing appears in front of customers
Enhance your listings' "Find-ability" in search results
Connect with customers in a social networking environment
Premium placement above all other listings
Listed on directory homepage
Company logo
Short description in directory results
Company name, address, phone number & map
Link to your website
Social share tools
Detailed business description
Hours of operation
R 300 for 6 months (R50 per month)
R 500 for 1 year (R 41 discount)
Sign Up For Gold Plan
Display accurate company name, address & phone number
Detailed business description of your company
Link to your website
List Your Company